He is ready, playing. She hyperactively goes to the limit. Silences. And these two characters return to chaos.
Street circus, clowning, magic, and juggling. This duo, in constantly engaging with the audience, showcases a wide range of skills. They throw tops with aim and precision while the crowd cheers and celebrates. They perform with diabolos. Play at being fakirs, but with much more glamour. They tie themselves with long ropes, and in a matter of seconds, they escape, magic! Always using the universal language of gestures and signs.
During the show, the audience is amazed, laughs, and feels part of it. Adults become children, and children... remain children.
Title: Afueras
Genre: Street Circus
Direction: Alegro Andante
Performers: Florencia Ferreyro, Javier Cufré
Duration: 40 minutes
Setup Time: 30 minutes
Teardown Time: 15 minutes
Audience: All ages
Technical Rider
Alegro Andante is a circus company specialized in street performances.
They are currently touring their show “Afueras” at festivals across Argentina. During the summer, they participated in the staging of the theater show “MDQ Para el Mundo” by the Weinbaum brothers. They also presented their own shows, “Afueras” and the one-woman show “Brillante,” at Plaza del Agua.
In 2022/23, they took part in the Argentina Unida se Muestra program, performing at the Patio Federal Stage in Tecnópolis. They have also participated in the MICA (Argentine Cultural Industries Market).
In 2015, they embarked on their first European tour, performing at festivals in five different countries. In 2017, they toured France, performing at various festivals and collaborating with the companies Cie du P'tit Vélo and Cie Hors-Logerie on the development of ECHEBE Proyecto, a Franco-Argentine production. Since then, they have continued their European summer tours sporadically.
In 2010, they began their first tour of Argentina, covering much of the interior of the country and southern Brazil. They performed at SESC units in São Paulo and in various cities along the Brazilian Atlantic Coast. In 2011, they began performing at Plaza del Agua in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Since then, they have held summer seasons there for thirteen consecutive years.
At the same time, Alegro Andante has participated in organizing the Hazmereir Festival in Mar del Plata (2006-2017). They are also the organizers of the CircoHüé Festival in the city of Pigüé, which has held seven editions.
* CircoHüé Festival- Pigüé, Argentina.
* MDQ para el mundo – Theater - Mar del Plata, Argentina
* Ciclo Vaciones en Museo Mar - Mar del Plata, Argentina
* Summer Season, January - February - Mar del Plata, Argentina
* Jolgorio Circus Festival - Bariloche, Argentina
*Tecnópolis, Patio Federal, Argentina Unida se Muestra - BsAs, Argentina
* Festival San Francirco - Córdoba , Argentina
* Chaque El Circo Festival - Chaco, Argentina
* Summer cycle, Mar Chiquita Culture - BsAs, Argentina
* Fiesta Nacional del Potrillo National Fest - Cnel Vidal, Argentina.
* Espacio Unzué, Ministry of Social Development - Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Summer Season, January - February - Mar del Plata, Argentina
* Pico Ríe Festival - General Pico, Argentina
* Fiesta Nacional del Potrillo National Fest - Cnel Vidal, Argentina.
* Winter Season Tour - Saavedra, Carlos Tejedor, Pehuajó, Tornquist and Adolfo Alsina, Argentina.
* Espacio Unzué, Ministry of Social Development - Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Summer Season, January - February Argentine Atlantic Coast - Mar del Plata, Gesell, Mar de las Pampas.
* Long Winter Season in local spots – March to November, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Espacio Unzué - Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Summer Season, January – February on the Argentine Atlantic Coast.
* Activities suspended for obvious reasons.
* La Strada, Augsburg, Germany.
* Murenschalk, Bruck an der Mur, Austria.
* Kultur auf der Strasse, Neu Ulm, Germany.
* Summer Season Atlantic Coast, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Festival Petites Formes, Montfavet, France.
* Festival Detours du Monde, Chanac, France.
* Fête à Saint Cristophe, France.
* Kulturufer, Friedichshafen, Germany.
* Flaniermeile Velden, Velden am Wörthersee, Austria.
* Festa Ferragosto Comuna di San Michele al Tagliamento, Bibione, Italy.
* Biograd Street Music Festival, Biograd Na Moru, Croatia.
* Summer Season Atlantic Coast, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Fête du Barriol, Arlés, France.
* Fête des pompiers por el 14 de julio, Rodez, France.
* Cap Mômes, Laisac, France.
* Fête de la musique Saint Geniez, Saint Geniez d'Olt, France.
* Festival Salagou, Lac du Salagou, France.
* Hestiv Oc, Pau, France.
* Fête Éclaireurs, Becours, France.
* Fête du rentrée a La Baleine - Le Krill, Rodez, France.
* FestiCirco, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
* Summer Season Atlantic Coast, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Espacio Unzué - Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Festival E so Alegría, Misiones, Argentina
* Summer Season Atlantic Coast, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Espacio Unzué - Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Festival Dans mon Village, Magalas, France.
* Fête de la musique, Saint Laurent, France.
* Fête de la musique, Recoules, France.
* Künstler am Meer Bajazzo, Grömitz, Germany.
* KünstlerPromenadenfestBajazzo, Cuxhaven, Germany.
* SarnicoBusker Festival, Sarnico, Italy.
* Summer Season Atlantic Coast, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Espacio Unzué, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Verano de Emociones – SEDRONAR, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Espacio Unzué, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Festival de la Palabra – Tecnópolis, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Punto y Coma - Winter Season at theater, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Summer Season Atlantic Coast, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Summer Season Atlantic Coast, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Sesc Pompeia, São Pablo, Brazil.
* Sesc Sorocaba, São Pablo, Brazil.
* Circohüe Festival de Circo, Pigüé, Argentina.
* Hazmereir Circus Festival, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Winter Season in Mar del Plata and Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Summer Season Atlantic Coast, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* 20 ° Festival de Teatro de Curitiba, Curitiba, Brazil.
* Winter Season in Mar del Plata and Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Summer Season Atlantic Coast, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
* Winter Season Argentine Tour - Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz, La Pampa, Santa Fe, Corrientes, Misiones y Buenos Aires. Argentina.
* Provincial Book Fair, Río Gallegos, Argentina.